sean binder

'I didn't think I'd be charged as a spy' - Interview with Seán Binder

W4R 2019: Greece - Sarah Mardini and Séan Binder

Greece prosecutes 24 humanitarian aid workers, charges include espionage and forgery | DW News

Λέσβος - Με τον συγκατηγορούμενο της Σάρα Μαρντίνι, Sean Binder:«Στόχος να τρομάξουν τους διασώστες»

On the Move: Solidarity on Trial #FreeHumanitarians, Guests Sean Binder and Karakitsos Athanasios

Işın Eliçin interviews Sean Binder: Is rescuing migrants from drowning a crime?

#DefendSolidarity - Seán Binder

Sean Binder's call to vote in the European elections 🗳

Irishman could face 25 years in prison in Greece...for saving people from drowning #Shorts

Humanitarian Seán Binder to stand trial

Human Rights on Trial: Aid workers in the dock and Greek-Turkish relations (s6, ep 2)

The Seán Binder Case- an Interview with Seán Binder

Seán Binder 'Peaceful Future in a polarised world'

Kirjeitä vapaudelle: Sarah Mardini ja Seán Binder

Jailed in Greece for helping migrants: The story of humanitarian worker Sean Binder

Refugee Crisis: Drowning

Kinostar und Flüchtlingsretter: Seán Binder über seine Zeit im Gefängnis (komplettes Interview)

Week Two Guest Speaker Sean Binder

The crackdown on NGOs assisting refugees & migrants

La solidarietà non è reato! Seán che rischia 25 anni di carcere solo per aver aiutato delle persone

AB'nin suya gömülen vicdanı: Sarah Mardini & Sean Binder'in hikayesi

Göçmenleri kurtaranlar Yunanistan'da yargılanacak

Criminalisation of Solidarity: How to protect the right to help migrants and refugees?